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Owner's Manuals. Serial Number. BAUJ through BAUJ through BAUJ through BAUJ through BAUJ through BAUJ through BAWL through TAGS: Honda Outboard 4-stroke motor service manual repair BFA BF BF BFA BF BF90 BF90A 90 BF75 BF75A 75 BF45A BF45 45 BF40A BF40 40 BF35 BF35A 35 BF30 BF30A 30 BF25 BF25A 25 BF15 BF15A BF 15 BFA BF BF75 BF BF8A BF8 8 BF80 BF5A BF50 BF2A BF20 Horsepower (horse power) 1 cylinder, 2 cylinder 3 cylinder 4 cylinder. The Honda BF40 and BF50 are 4-stroke marine engines. These lightweight 40hp and 50hp outboard motors are ideal for flats, bay boats, inflatables, fishing boats, and pontoons.