ICOM's HF transceivers IC and IC(A) meet these specifications, in addition they have the automatic band switching system which changes the operating band automatically. (IC should have the optional L DA unit installed for automatic band switching.) ANTENNA The . Base Model Band/QRG Mode Max P/O Quicknote PDF IC 2 m FM 10 W XTAL IC 23 cm FM/SSB/CW 10 W ATV option ICE 23 cm FM/SSB/CW 10 W ATV option ICA 23 cm FM/SSB/CW 10 W ATV option ICE 23 cm FM/SSB/CW 10 W ATV option IC 2 m FM/SSB/CW 10 W IC 2 Estimated Reading Time: 2 mins. The use of the Manuals either for profit or non-profit commercial use. The transfer of any and all photos, illustrations, data etc. in the Manuals. Do not alter in any way the Manuals or any of the contents of this site. Icom Inc. accepts no responsibility for faults and/or damages/losses caused as .
IC-PS35, IC-PS30 IC PSU Adjustment by Adam M. Farson, VA7OJ/AB4OJ General: The IC-PS35 "bathtub" modular switching power supply is an accessory for the IC and ICA. Variants of the IC-PS35 are used in the IC-PS30 system power supply, and also in the IC and IC Vintage ICOM ICA Ham Radio Transceiver with IC-HM7 Microphone. Works great. Included is power cord and a printed copy of the manual. Does not have a mobile bracket. If you have any questions or need more pictures, please let me know. Icom ICH (IC 28 H IC28H) service manual and specs Icom ICA (IC 30 A IC30A) service manual and specs Icom ICA (IC 37 A IC37A) service manual and specs Icom ICA (IC 38 A IC38A) service manual and specs Icom ICE (IC 45 E IC45E) service manual and specs Icom ICE (IC 47 E IC47E) service manual and specs.
Icom,Global,Land Mobile,Marine,Aviation,Amateur,Receivers,Satellite,LTE,WLAN,IP,Digital,Analog,Radio,Network,D-STAR. ICA instruction manual Hi-Resolution Image. ICA Hi-Resolution www.doorway.ru MB Firmware/Software © Icom America Inc. The use of the Manuals either for profit or non-profit commercial use. The transfer of any and all photos, illustrations, data etc. in the Manuals. Do not alter in any way the Manuals or any of the contents of this site. Icom Inc. accepts no responsibility for faults and/or damages/losses caused as a result of alterations made by User's.