CDA Designed by ALPINE Japan Printed in China (Y) 68PKC • OWNER'S MANUAL Please read before using this equipment. • MODE D'EMPLOI Veuillez lire avant d'utiliser cet appareil. • MANUAL DE OPERACIÓN Léalo antes de utilizar este equipo. Melyi Printing Factory, Dalian, China No. 28 Chang Qing Street, Xl Gang District, Dalian, China. Alpine CDA CD Player User Manual. Open as PDF. of 41 EN. FR. ES. ES. IT. SE. R. R. CDA Designed by ALPINE Japan. Printed in China (Y) 68PKA. CDA FM/AM CD Receiver. CDA • OWNER'S MANUAL. Please read before using this equipment. • MODE D'EMPLOI. Veuillez lire avant d'utiliser cet appareil.
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Alpine CDA User Manual. Any function that requires your prolonged attention should only be performed after coming to a complete stop. NOTE The unit can be turned on by pressing any other button except the eject c button. Alpine CDA user manual. Behind the front panel, to the right of the connector, there is a small hole. Using a ball-point pen cdx other pointed object, press the RESET switch mounted behind this hole to complete the initialization procedure. Each press changes the modes as follows: Center frequency control mode. Alpine CDA Manuals Setting The Manuzl Control For your convenience If looking through the Alpine CDA user manual directly on this website is not convenient for you, there are two possible solutions: Press the g and f buttons to select a traffic information station if necessary.