· The Waste Reduction Evaluation at Federal Sites (WREAFS) Program consists of a series of demonstration and evaluation projects for waste reduction conducted cooperatively by EPA and various parts of the Department of Defense (DOD), Department of Energy (DOE), and other Federal agencies. he objectives of the WREAFs Program include: (1) conducting waste . EPA/// April The EPA Manual for Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessments by Gret?or Lorcon, et al Jacobs Engineering Pascdena» CA 9ll0i EPA Contract EPA Project Ofiicer H. Freeman HAZARDOUS WASTE ENGINEERING RESEARCH IABORATORY OFFICE OF RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT U.S. ENVIRONMENTAL . Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessment EPA has also developed a general manual for waste minimization in industry. The Waste Minimization Opportu-nity Assessment Manual (USEPA ) tells how to conduct a waste minimization assessment and develop options for re-ducing hazardous waste generation. It explains the manage-.
A waste minimization assessment is a systematic planned procedure with the objective of identifying ways to reduce or eliminate waste. This manual includes the steps involved in conducting a waste minimization assessment. It outlines the planning and organizational aspects that provide a necessary foundation for a waste minimization assessment. The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has funded a pilot project to assist small and medium-size manufacturers who want to minimize their generation of waste but who lack the expertise to do so. In an effort to assist these manufacturers Waste Minimization Assessment Centers (WMACs) were established at selected universities and procedures were adapted from the EPA Waste Minimization. Methodology of Assessments The waste minimization assessments require several site visits to each client served. In general, the WMACs follow the pro- cedures outlined in the EPA Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessment Manual (EPA///, July ).
Waste Minimization Assessment Cen- ters (WMACs) were established at selected universities and procedures were adapted from the EPA Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessment Manual (EPA///, July ). In general, the WMACs follow the proce- dures outlined in the EPA Waste Minimization Opportunity Assessment Manual (EPA///, July ). The WMAC staff locates the sources of waste in the plant and identifies the current disposal or treatment methods and their associated costs. In the working definition used by EPA, waste minimization consists of source reduction and recycling. Of the two approaches, source reduction is usually preferable to recycling from an environmental perspective. A waste minimization assessment is a systematic planned procedure with the objective of identifying ways to reduce or eliminate waste.